Necessity or Frivolous Accessory?: Hats from the Collection
Necessity or Frivolous Accessory?: Hats from the Collection
Necessity or Frivolous Accessory? highlights some of the hats from our collection. Hats function as more than just covers for our heads. Hats can be worn as status symbols, forms of expression, military uniform components, as fashion statements, or as a glimpse into the wearer’s personality. Hats can be integral to the wearer’s religion and culture, telling the story of the individual donning the attire. Hats are worn to work, church, weddings, funerals, tea parties, sporting events, outdoor activities, and other functions. Sometimes a hat just covers a bad-hair day.
As hats evolved, so has their construction. Made of fur, velvet, feathers, straw, linen, satin, wool, lace, net, silk, or felt, many are constructed by hand, others mass produced. The Albemarle region has been the home to milliners, haberdashers, tailors, and department stores either constructing or selling hats and accessories of good design and quality. Hats saw their “power” decline with rise of wigs and hairpieces, “carefully constructed hairstyles,” and the usage of hairspray, hair colorings, and lipstick.
Monies for this exhibition, including the cleaning and stabilization of artifacts, were generously donated to the Museum of the Albemarle’s Thomas R. Butchko Memorial Fund. Butchko, a noted architectural historian, served as Curator of the Museum of Albemarle for many years until his death in 2009.
This exhibit is free and open to the public.